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Hari gini enggak ada pulsa???
Bukan zamannya lagi kawan...

Tanpa basa basi kita langsung intinya, sekarang kita bisa sedot pulsa (All operator) dari orang lain. Caranya :

* Pada waktu kita di telephone dengan nomor dari jenis provider apa saja, pada waktu kita ngomong tekan *10000# secara otomatis pulsa hape kita bertambah 10000 (Menyedot pulsa mereka) terus tekan *5000# Berarti pulsa tambah 5000. Begitu caranya. Sebenarnya 50000 atau 100000 juga bisa, tapi jangan banyak-banyak lah kasian yang kita ambil pulsanya.
Cara ini yang kasih tahu teman yang bekerja di server AXIZz, INDOzAT, TELKOMcEL, TIGA, eXeL (karena nyebut merk jadi di plesetin aja).

Tapi aku minta tolong... info ini jangan di sebarluaskan. RAHASIA BANGET!!!!!!!
*karena cukup anda saja yang tertipu!!!!

Gushur kurang ajar..... BTw cari teman nih,, siapa tahu ada yang kejebak juga..
Hwehehehehe.. Maaf ya...... joke only.... Smile :D
READMORE - Tips Sedot Pulsa Orang Lain
There are many things you need to prepare when you are doing business. Doing business is not as easy as it seems, you must have certain strategy and aim. To be successful you will need to do some promotion for your product, and when order start coming you must be ready with forms, receipt and many others.

Running on your business, you must be ready with proposal forms, orders form, receipt, or promotional products and many others. These things you can purchase easily online, there are many online store that specialized in selling this business products. Printe-z.com is one of the online stores that provide you with these business necessities. Not only business they also provide checks, holiday greetings card, labels, photo products, wedding invitation and many others. You can purchase order forms easily from Printe-z.com, they will customize the order form with your imprint information so that the order forms would totally meet your desire. You can also order the proposal forms for your business. They will provide you with proposal form that suitable with your nature as well as your business but it will also fulfill various requirements. They will provide you with high quality of proposal form and unsurpassed service. For your receipt books, they have many designs and styles of receipt book that not only going to suitable with your professional requirement but also personal requirements. In their site you will find several types of receipts books such as delivery receipt books, classic pocket receipt books, classic desk receipt book, delivery receipt and others.

It is important that you provide all these business requirements correctly, because this will be the image of your company. If you are interested purchasing your business requirements online, Printe-z.com would be your answer. Print E-Z will help to provide your entire business requirement with best quality.
READMORE - Best Business Forms